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Liked last season's ''Sweeney Todd''? Actors will pick up instruments again for another Stephen Sondheim revival. Vivian Beaumont Theater, 150 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 239-6200. The all-star cast includes Billy Crudup, Ethan Hawke, Jennifer Ehle and Richard Easton and many, many more (2:45). Tom Stoppard's three-play epic about the forebears of the Russian Revolution begins with ''Voyage,'' set in 1833 in the Russian countryside. 'THE COAST OF UTOPIA: VOYAGE' In previews opens on Nov. Manhattan Theater Club's City Center Stage II, 131 West 55th Street, (212) 581-1212. After a production at the Royal Shakespeare Company in London, David Greig's play, about an American whose plane crashes in a war-torn country, moves to New York.

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Previews and Openings 'THE AMERICAN PILOT' In previews opens on Tuesday. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times and tickets: /theater. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week.

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